Monday, June 23, 2014

Natural ways to bring down bad cholesterol levels!
Many people think that in order to fight against high cholesterol levels, it is essential to find out the root cause of it. Although there are many causes for high cholesterol, which you can deal with easily; there are some other reasons, which are not so easy to deal with.

A large number of people take daily medication, in order to control this medical condition.

However, it is important to know the reasons responsible for the increasing levels of cholesterol in the body.

Some of the factors responsible for the increasing levels of bad cholesterol are:

1.   Diet

Saturated fats are one of the most prominent reasons for accumulation of bad cholesterol. Reducing saturated fats from your diet, will help to bring down high cholesterol levels.

2.   Obesity

Obesity is responsible for many health issues, and high bad cholesterol is one of them.

3.   Age

As one gets older, the likelihood of becoming affected with such health illnesses; also increases.

But it is also possible to control bad cholesterol levels, through natural methods. Dr Chauncey Crandall a recognized cardiologist from the United States of America, recommends that people should include strawberries, in their diet.

Eating strawberries on a daily basis is amazingly helpful in lowering down the levels of bad cholesterol. Eating strawberries will benefit you in more ways than one.

For example, it can also improve your general lipids profile, and antioxidant biomarkers.